Monday, March 22, 2010

Hi, I am looking forward to reading "A Whole New Mind" and recieving some inservice credit. I have begun to read this book and although it is too early to make a well based comment, I will make a comment about the book: I think that I am going to disagree with about 60 percent of the author's opinions and theories.


  1. Why do you think you will disagree? What initial impression did you get that caused you to have a negative impression?

  2. I think i may like this book. I work with many smart, talented students and only some of them have high ACT scores. Its too bad that we don't have a test that measures the right brain intelligence. (Maybe that's later on in the book) I have known students who have left high school with less than desirable ACT scores who are community leaders, business leaders, etc. with advanced degrees. And . . there are those with the high standardized test scores that . . well, are not in that situation.

  3. I agree with cd... It is a shame that so many kids feel "school is not for them" when they are not successful on tests. But let's face it. In the real world, what is valued in the workplace, community, church??? Creative, intuitive, positive, interesting, empathetic, funny people, right? No test for that... When was the last time anyone ever asked you what your ACT score was? Who remembers? People care what you can DO and how you make them FEEL.


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