Friday, April 9, 2010


Thank you for participating in this book study blog. Blogs I have facilitated in the past have been completed over a longer period of time, so this one felt rushed to me(as evidenced in my falling behind on posting assignments). I hope you have enjoyed the experience and that you will participate in another blogging opportunity. To help me improve future book study blogs, please answer the following questions:

1) Identify your likes and dislikes about completing a book study online.

2) What changes do you recommend to improve online book studies for others?

3) Would you participate in another book study blog? Why or why not?

4) Other comments you would like to share....


  1. I have really enjoyed the book study. I was worried at first that I would have to much trouble blogging "but" I'm happy to say, it wasnt bad.
    As far as improving online book studies, I guess if you had more time between questions it might be better, although this was the first bookstudy I have participated in so I'm not sure if that would make a difference or not.
    Yes, I think I would like to try another bookstudy. It has been fun reading others comments and I feel that I've learned a lot from this experience.
    I would recommend to other teachers to participate in a book study.

  2. I enjoy completing book study's. I feel they are a convenient way to implement staff development and they are far more meaningful as each participant is actively involved as opposed to being passive participants in lecture based inservices. I have enjoyed blogging and feel more technologically savvy! I would love to participate in further book studies and see more of them offered in the future. I think word is just getting out about these types of inservices and as more people hear about them they will be in much demand!

  3. I really enjoyed reading the book. I don't think it is one that I would have chosen to read on "spring break" on my own, however, I learned a lot, discussed it with others around me and enjoyed responding to the assignments and reading the posts. I did have trouble with the wireless laptop that I was using and had to redo several posts because it would log off at random times. I still get frustrated with technology at times, but am amazed by it too! I don't know of any changes that I would make. More time at home, would have helped, but that is my fault for putting off my inservice hours. This is my second Blogging experience and I have loved how it is an easy way to communicate with other educators. Sharing with others is my favorite type of inservice. I would love to participate in another book study blog. It is like being a part of a "Book Club" without having to leave your computer or laptop. Thank you, Carla, for getting this set up for us. I will speak highly of the experience and recommend it to other educators.

  4. Evaluation -
    1. I liked it because I like reading and discussing books. Problem is, few people are usually reading what I am reading, so I don't get the opportunity to do it very often. I liked the covenience of being able to be in a conversation, but doing it when I had the opportunity instead of having to meet as a group at a designated time. I liked that it was broken into chunks.

    Dislikes - it was a little hard to follow in the site, but that could be the function of my computer illiteracy.

    2. Not sure of changes. Could some be done in the summer?

    3. I would participate again. (see question #1 for why)

    4. I enjoyed it and would do it again, but I will say that I spent way more than 6 hours completing it. Also, I enjoyed the book. It would have been really difficult to complete if it had been a book that was too intellectual or text book like. This author's style was easy to read and enjoyable. Hey - I noticed in the back of this book that Daniel Pink has another book . . . .

  5. Thank you, Sheila, Amanda, Nina, and CD! It is evident by your postings that you have given much time to reflecting on Daniel Pink's writing. I appreciate your thinking and sharing through this experience. It is so rewarding to me to read of other teachers' commitment to the profession and to be reminded that we can and do make a difference for our students every day. I'm so glad each of you participated in this blog. There will be more to come!

  6. evaluation:
    1. I enjoyed this inservice very much. The main reason I think was the book was easy to read and enjoyable. I can say that was my major like. If the book had not been interesting, this could have been a strong dislike.
    2. It was challanging to finish the book in the amount of time given, once again thankfully the book was enjoyable.
    3. Yes, I would participate again as long as I have time.
    4. Wonderful book, I would recommend to anybody especially teachers.

  7. Rhonda, thank you for being part of our book study. I also appreciate how you involved your husband in several of the "tests" and shared those results with us. Enjoy the rest of your break!

  8. 1) I liked the convenience of completing this book study online as an inservice. The book was easy to read at first. I disliked the multiple suggestions and directions that the book seemed to go in the farther along I read. Maybe it was the distractions of spring break or the many other books and studies that Pink suggested to look into. I suppose my simple mind got a little confused and disorganized.

    2) Spring Break and other holidays, such as Winter Break, may be the best time to do an on-line book study so don't change that. Other times would probably create a problem with blogging while on-duty/paid time. So my suggestion would be to not make changes with the timing.

    3) Yes, I would participate in another on-line book study blog for inservice credit because of the convenience.

    4) Let me think awhile about my other comments that I may want to make... I did feel enlightened by Pink's writing and most of his suggestions.

  9. 1. Unforseen computer problems at home prevented me from blogging early on in the study. I loved the convenience of it once I got my computer back. I spent a few days reading everyone else's comments before I made any of my own. It is always interesting to read someone else's take on a book you have read together.
    2. The timing over spring break had its' advantages and disadvantages for me. I traveled the entire first week of spring break so I was unable to participate online. Then had computer problems at home once I got back into town. But, all in all, I liked having the extra time over break to read (versus trying to read something extra when school is in session).
    3. Call me old-fashioned, but I just like to look at people when we "talk" about things; and I like to hear their voices when we "talk". So, I probably would be less likely to do an online blog in the future, versus a traditional "sit down and chat about it" kind of book review. But I would love to see a combination maybe, where you blog for 3/4 of the book and then have a final face-to-face get-together to finish and wrap up???
    4. I appreciate the time it took for you guys to put this study together for us. This was a book I wanted to read and was glad to be able to get some in-service credit for it, even though I didn't need all 6 hours. It was really great to be able to see everyone's comments all together and spend some time thinking about the different ideas everyone pulled out of this book. Thanks again for making this possible!

  10. 1) I liked doing the boook study online. It is nice to be able to complete it in your own time-in your jammies with your coffee! I do not have any dislikes really!

    2) The site might be a little more user friendly. I was not sure if there was a way to reply to an individual post. If there was, I couldn't figure it out, so my replies to others are on the general page as well. The only other recomendation would be-More opportunities to do this!

    3) I would gladly do this again. I loved reading the book on my own time, but knowing that I had to do it in a certain amount of time, kept me on task!

    4) Thank you for doing this book study blog! I will be looking for other inservice hours like this and I will recomend to others.

  11. 1) Identify your likes and dislikes about completing a book study online.
    I like being able to post and read the book at your own pace and not have to be somewhere for the inservice, which is hard at times.
    The only real dislike I had, because I have not blogged before, was that I was confused about the postings and how to reply to someone directly. Still not sure... I had to go back to assignment two at assignment three time because I couldn't find it on the site. Having done one now, I believe I would be able to do another one much better.

    2) What changes do you recommend to improve online book studies for others?
    I found myself pushed for time so I was glad that you gave us a few extra days to read and complete our posts. The book study itself seemed to work very good.

    3) Would you participate in another book study blog? Why or why not?
    I would participate in another book study. I would like to be able to choose from a few different books and blog about the one I found most helpful or interesting to me.

    4) Other comments you would like to share....
    Overall I felt like the book was just ok. The first few chapters, I didn't feel engaged, but I think it got better as I went along with the book. It became more interesting and interactive through websites. Thank you for the opportunity! I hope to do another one since I know more about how blogs run.

  12. I have enjoyed the book and would like to do another in the future. To improve the Book Study I agree with an earlier post that I would like more time between the questions. I was first confused and worried about doing a blog but by the end I enjoyed it. I was able to get the hang of it. Thanks for all the interesting thoughts and comments on the book.


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